Jack Saturday

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The World Owes You A Living

Hi friends! Come on over to my radio station, I've taken episode 1 of my 6-part associational documentary The World Owes You A Living off the store shelf and put it up for all to hear for free on my Extraordinary Discourse podcast. Thanks to those who bought copies of the CDs, from college students listening on their bicycles to nurses, to the actress who said "even my parents liked it" to teachers who used it in their courses, to the writers and journalists and professors who affirmed it, especially those who took the time to write reviews, particularly C. L'Hirondelle of L.I.F.E., J. Hughes of IEET, Karl Widerquist of BIG , and the British artist Edward Picot.
if there is trouble in trying to download episodes from the podcast site, you can download at Internet Archive, here.
Further episodes will appear over the upcoming months.
Best wishes to all


  • Jack, these shows are amazing; I really enjoy listening to them, and having found your blogspot, I can apopreciate them even more. I will pass these around.


    By Anonymous omalone1, at 5:35 AM  

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